Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things I learned from my mother

Almost anything is better when it is homemade.

You should always have some cooked ground meat in the freezer.

Always buy extra butter when it is on sale. . .and flour. . .and chocolate chips. . .really anything, that's what the freezer is for.

Save when you can, but there are some things for which the generic brand won't cut it.

You should always be able to make chocolate chip cookies, so make sure you don't run out of ingredients.

Don't be afraid to try new things.

Always give someone else's cookies a try, you never know when you might actually want the recipe.

Everyone appreciates a home cooked meal.

Vanilla doesn't need to be measured (and peanut butter doesn't always have to be either!)

I'm sure I could think of more, and when I do, I'll post them.